UD Extended Train More Package : Monthly Membership

UD Extended Train More Package : Monthly Membership

from £150.00 every month

Our UD Train More Package is for all our members who train both on the weekend and through the week and covers the below:

  • 1x Sunday Extended Training at Paddington Rec (4:30pm - 6:30pm)

  • 1x Weekend or Midweek Training Session

UD Membership

Our UD membership fee covers training throughout all 3 school terms. We have amortised the 3 term payments over 12 monthly payments.

Ie: Summer Term Fee + Autumn Term Fee + Spring Term Fee / 12 months = UD Monthly Membership Fee

This is not a pay to play monthly fee and will be taken every month unless you leave the club on a permanent basis. The 12 monthly payments cover training for all 3 school terms throughout the year, on average 42 weeks per year.

There is an initial 3 month commitment and then if you do wish to cancel your membership you can do so at anytime there after with 1 months notice.

Cancellation is to be given in writing via accounts@uniteddragonsfc.com
