United Dragons will be moving over to a monthly payment service for training in 2021.

- All midweek and weekend training will be paid on a monthly basis via subscription

- Rather than paying larger amounts termly we will now amortise monthly.

- You will have to create a log-in via our website once only, which will allow you to check your payments and be able to change them at any time after an initial payment period of 3 months.

- We will be asking you to sign up in November for training in 2021. So please look out for that all important email.

- We will ask for a deadline of December 1st 2020 for people to book on for training next year, before we open it out to our waiting list.

- UD Camps, UD Kit, UD League 2021/2022 will be separate bookings, the monthly payments are only for training bookings only.

We really hope you can jump aboard our new system and look forward to seeing you the New Year!

In the meantime, If you have any queries at all about our new booking system, please email daryl@uniteddragonsfc.com

Thank you all,
UD Family

Daryl Moore